Nothing can be bigger or better than winning a jackpot! And it becomes double the fun when the jackpot gets BIGGER AND BIGGER as you play! has the online poker’s ’S ONLY progressive jackpot. For every raked hand played on our Progressive Bad Beat Jackpot tables a jackpot contribution of 50 cents will be collected from the pot. That way, every time a hand is raked on one of our many jackpot tables the jackpot increases. With more than 100 tables, the jackpot typically increases by $1000 every hour!!
Recently players have won up to $ 167,000!!!!
Fund distribution
Every time the jackpot is hit, 70% of the jackpot amount will be distributed and 20% will be used as seed amount for the next jackpot. 10% will be retained by Party Poker as administrative fee. Of the distributed amount, 50% will go to the loser of the hand (the Bad Beat), 25% to the winner and 25% will be split between the other seated players who actively participated in the hand (any player sitting out will not receive a portion of the jackpot).
Click here to visit Party Poker